CAP CAPERS - Gallery & Testimonials from our Baseball Cap Collection Community
See the following Gallery of Pictures & Testimonials from our Baseball Cap Collecting Community! All displayed using Cap Capers - they are no doubt, the Best Baseball Cap Rack in the World!

很酷!What a classy display from our friends at DD&P in their Hong Kong office. Edward Beesemer, CEO, was kind enough to supply these pics that show his fine line of headwear. DD&P is a global organization that specializes in custom made fashion accessories and promotional items beanies, scarves, CAPS and a ton more! Hopefully my translation from English to Chinese above says "VERY COOL" as intended! :-) Thanks Edward and DD&P!
#BaseballCapCollectors #CapCapers #CapRacks #DD&PCaps
WOW! You don't see many collections like this - a Hard Rock Cafe baseball cap collection from around the world! Karsten Raecke from Germany sent these pics in to show his collection! A 'Hats Off!' to this very cool cap collection. Nice work Karsten. When you get to TEXAS, let me know - I am buying and will meet you at the Hard Rock Cafe in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio or other Texas city for a beer or two. If it is outside of Houston, just give me a week or so notice! We will not need a language translator as we speak the same baseball cap collection language. Cheers!
#HardRockCafe #BaseballCapCollections #CapCapers
This picture was sent in by Kent Rickels out of Arizona. His Baseball Cap Collection is associated with a 'bucket list' task to visit all 30 of the MLB stadiums. He only has 4 more to go! Kent noted that "...they worked perfectly, as advertised." Thank you Kent! Enjoy the remaining 4 stadium visits and baseball games.
#BaseballCapCollections #CapCapers #CapRacks

Brian Logan (and his family) are BIG Chicago White Sox :-) fans. After Brian's second order, he sent us an email to show how his collection is growing. Brian told us, "I bought CAP CAPERS for my son as he is a high school baseball player and his goal is to collect all the MLB Home Field hats and display them. We are from Chicago and White Sox fans - as you will see from the collection of hats he currently has. I started out by buying 12 of the CAP CAPERS for him as a Christmas gift this past year and now just added 24 more."
Brian went on to say..."This is such a great product for hanging hats, it's easy and it looks great."
...and we hear his son is a heck of a ball player. Go Chicago Pirates and White Sox!
#BaseballCapCollections #CapCapers #CapRacks #Chicago #WhiteSox #MLB #Baseball #Santiago

Check out this Collection of AUTOGRAPHED Golf caps from Jeremy and Alexis Kovacs. They live in eastern Massachusetts, and are avid golf enthusiasts. Their son is also a golfing fanatic and well on the road to having a valuable and fun cap display.
Jeremy submitted the pics and offered the following 'Hole-In-One" comment, "Glad I found these on Amazon. Cap Capers were the only product that allowed my son to display his autographed golf hats in an organized manner. So simple I wish I came up with the idea.”
It is great to see Moms and Dads, like Alexis and Jeremy, that support their children in their hobbies and dreams. As golfer James Ross stated, "Stay true to yourself and listen to your inner voice. It will lead you to your dream.” Best of luck!
#GolfCapCollections #CapCapers #CapRacks #HatRacks #TigerWoods #DustinJohnson

Thanks to Alberto Ochoa from San Antonio, Texas for sending us the great video testimonial about how happy you are with the CAP CAPERS Baseball Cap Displays!
Alberto is the Finance Manager for Gillman Mitsubishi in San Antonio, Texas, and every customer that buys a vehicle goes through his office. His goal is to make each and every customer enjoy the entire car buying process. With this in mind, notice how creative he was with his baseball cap collection by adding the paper images of famous people underneath the caps! He said it makes his customers smile and feel even more comfortable with him.
He mentioned that he used to have a large baseball cap collection. Now, as he just starts to rebuild his collection of baseball caps, he knows the caps will stay in perfect condition while displaying them with CAP CAPERS!
#GillmanMitsubishi #CapCapers #CapRacks #HatRacks #NADA #BaseballCapDisplays

From British Columbia, Canada, Traci Farden sent us a picture of her baseball cap display using CAP CAPERS. I see she has a San Francisco Giants cap - which was home to one of my favorite ball players - Willie Mays!
Traci mentioned that she "Love the design as it looks like the hats are floating. {It's a] great way to fill empty space on a wall. Also easy to hang and easy to use. Probably best with adult sizes. Would purchase again and would recommend."
#CANADADAY #SanFranciscoGiants #MLB #CapCapers #CapRacks #HatRacks #BaseballCapCollection

The Price family, from Washington DC, sent in pictures of their son's baseball cap collection that uses CAP CAPERS to display the caps.
'Dad' was kind enough to send us info about his son and his collection, and had some nice words on how well the Cap Capers worked!
He said, "Super quality product - couldn’t be happier - I just hung up a set for my 13 year old son & it was so easy & shows so well - even reserved a spot for his headband from trip to Hawaii last week! We are in Washington DC & I put this set in his bedroom but these could be in my living room they hang so clean & display hats so professionally. Hope it is the first of many orders."
Notice that the Price Boy's even created a new use for the Cap Capers - one I didn't even know about... displaying Hawaiian headbands! :-)Check out the pics!!!
Thanks for the kind words and being our customer. Good luck to the "Price Boys" and their favorite teams - the Boston Red Sox, Boston Celtics, USC and UCLA...
Enjoy your time with your family and having fun collecting baseball caps. Thanks again for using Cap Capers - The Ultimate Display for Baseball Caps.
#CapRack #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #BostonRedSox#BostonCeltics #USC #UCLA

This is one of those times you just sit back and post the customer's testimonial letter:
Hello Harry.
Hereby a couple of pictures of my "display". A little unusual - I know. During 35 years of Tractor Pulling I saved quite a big box of caps, with a lot of memories inside. When we last year bought our own little place here in Denmark, there also was room for a "home bar". And that is where I of course needed to include some of my most treasured caps. And CapCapers just makes the job perfect, showing them to my guests in the bar in the best possible way! (Should have ordered the double amount)
Happy New Year.
Kenneth Dahl
Juelsminde, Denmark
WOW - What an honor to have Cap Capers displaying Kenneth's most treasured caps from a life long love of and prominent activity in Tractor Pulling and the European Tractor Pulling Committee! Kenneth's display is definitely one of the most unique arrangements we have seen and it shows how Cap Capers allow Total versatility in arrangements of displaying baseball caps. Thanks again Kenneth for using Cap Capers. Will keep you in mind when the Tractor Pulls come to Houston Texas! Harry aka 'The Capped Crusader'
#CapRack #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #TractorPulling #ETPA #NTPA #TTTPA #Tractor #JohnDeere #TractorPull #TractorLovers #TractorPorn #TractorSupply #KennyChesney #SheThinksMyTractorIsSexy

We are so proud to be a part of the memorial display that Debi Jenderseck has created in honor of her husband, and Vietnam War Veteran, Thomas E. Jenderseck. Celebrating Tom’s life, Debi has created a collage of Military Pictures, Numerous Medals, Patches, Belt Buckles, Flags, and even a baseball cap that proudly reads ‘Vietnam Veteran’. Let us not forget those that fought for our freedom!
#SemperFi #MemorialDay #VietnamVeteran #Veterans #Fathersday #Freedom #ThisWellDefend #Jenderseck #CapCapers #BaseballCapDisplay #Love

Ralph Beaudoin is... well... just to name a few.... * Top Ottawa Senators Hockey Fan * Man Cave Creator Elite * ‘Creative’ Sports Memorabilia Collector * All-Around Hockey Aficionado... and did I mention he absolutely loves the Senators?
So, obviously, you can see Ralph (also known as @sensofficeralph on Twitter) has an amazing Cap Collection, but he has gone FAR beyond that with his Man Cave Creativity and Feng Shui. Just for the record – officially, he calls his enviable Man Cave, his “Ottawa Senators Hockey Room.”
Finely in tune with each hockey team, stats, players and rankings, his Cap Collection also doubles as a tracking method during the season and playoffs. As Ralph puts it, “Each year I line up all 16 starting playoff teams and they battle till we have the winner. In the past I placed the teams hats on my fire mantel. Now you can see the transformation.” He went on to say that, “In addition I have lined up all 30 NHL teams by division from coast to coast. Quite a sight to see.“
Another endearing fact about Ralph and his contagious love for the Ottawa Senators was that Canada’s CBC TV contacted him to do an interview back in the 2003/2004 Senators run.
#OttawaSenators #Senators #HockeyCanada #NHL #USAHockey #ECHL #OJHL #SIHA #FIHA #ILoveHockey #SportsMemorabilia #CapCapers #BaseballCapDisplay #CapRack #@SensOfficeRalph

Davidson Gebhardt Chevrolet Parts Department has a Cap Display that shows off the versatility of Cap Capers. The picture supplied is at a slight angle, but notice in the 2nd picture how the caps form the shape of the Chevy logo (I traced over the caps so you could better visualize.)
Denise Richter, who is in Office Management at the Loveland Colorado Chevrolet Dealership wrote that, " Cap Capers are a great assist in displaying [the caps] perfectly!" We have to agree!
This really pulls my heartstrings as I am a Chevy enthusiast too. Pics 3 and 4 below highlight some of my favorite caps.
#DealershipMarketing #ChevroletCaps #ChevyParts #CapRack #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #CorvetteCaps #ChevyLogo #LikeARock #DavidsonGebhardtChevrolet #MarketingCaps

In Dan's own words, "If it's a baseball hat I collect it.

Dan Hardy the Hat Guy updated us that, "With over 1,000 caps that I carry in a traveling display, I couldn't do it without your Cap Capers. If you don't recognize these hats, they are part of a project I've been working on for 2 years now to collect an official baseball hat from every high school baseball team in Indiana. The collection currently stands at 215 schools represented of the approximately 400. I've attached a more recent picture of the Indiana High School collection."
I love the creativity that our customers are coming up with. The versatility in arrangements is done so well here with Javier Gascon's display. Look at how he has used the available space. Looks absolutely perfect.
In Javier's letter to us, he wrote, " I love the cap capers. Caps fit perfectly and look awesome. I will order more soon!"
Thank you Javier - Your caps are VERY cool. Thank you for sharing and Best of luck in your Motorcycle Racing Adventures....
#JavierGascon #MotorcycleRacing #CapRack #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks #Racing #Motorsport #motorcycle #flattrack #crotchrocket
Just when you think your garage is clean and snazzy, along comes Cindy Schile and her husband’s impeccable golfer-ready garage – complete with a perfectly (and I do mean perfectly) organized cap display. These look fantastic!
Cindy noted that, “her husband collects hats from everywhere we have been and any golf course he has visited. He said he 'loves Cap Capers'"
#Golf #Golfing #CaddyShack #ArnoldPalmer #TigerWoods #CapRack #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks #GolfCarts #Mancave
What a treat to get a Testimonial letter like this from Matt Thomas. He lives in Shirley, MA and wrote:
“Hi Harry,
Please see attached. Thank you for your product.
I collect hats from all the college football teams that I have visited and watched play a game in their stadium.
I have been collecting hats for a decade and have struggled over the last ten years to identify an attractive and presentable method of showcasing my hat collection.
I have tried hanging the hats from command hooks which just stretched the hat. I tried organizing them on a bookshelf which took up space and looked sloppy. I even just packed them away out of frustration of not having a better way of showcasing my collection.
I came across Cap Capers and instantly knew I have found the solution to my decade-long problem.
Cap Capers transformed my hat collection into an impressive presentation of my hobby. I could not be more satisfied with my decision to trust Cap Capers with my hat collection.”
Thanks for the pics and kind words Matt! My son and I did this same adventure with baseball teams/stadiums when he was young. What a blast! Enjoy visiting more stadiums and keep us posted with pics on the cap collection expansion! We would also love to get a pic of you at the stadium to post as well.
#CollegeSports #Stadiums #CapRack #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks #Baseball #Football
Laura from Virginia simply stated, “We Love ‘em!”... Thanks Laura! Looks like a cozy / comfy couch for chomping on chips and ...watching sports!!!
#Mancave #CapRack #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks #Baseball #Football #NewYork
Tony Wang from Riverside CA wrote to us and said, “sending a quick pic of your great product. I love it! Thanks”
Thanks to you Tony – we sure appreciate the positive comment and glad you chose Cap Capers to display your caps!
#BruceLees #CapRack #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #KungFu #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks
I usually like to improvise from the testimonial letters we get, but sometimes it is good to leave good enough alone.
Here are some pictures of extremely rare, collectible caps accompanied by a VERY cool letter that touches on many aspects; courage, technology, determination, history, patriotism, accomplishment, collectibles, ...even the country of my family heritage – Italy. And did I mention that it also includes the best baseball cap display in the world? 😊
The letter below is from David Abbett, now living in Fort Worth Texas:
Hi Harry
I have just received my CapCapers Cap Frames and put them to slightly different use. I spent four years in Italy launching the F-35 Production Program for Lockheed Martin and the Italian. The encased flag and coins flew on the inaugural flight of AL-1, the first F-35 built, tested and flown outside of the USA. This accomplishment was awarded the Lockheed Martin NOVA Award in October, 2016.
The cap on the bottom represents the ‘Friendship Flags’ between the USA and Italy, while the cap on the top represents the first operational F-35 Squadron for the Italian Military .... the 13th Gruppo ‘A Testa Sotto’
I am now back in Fort Worth TX and wanted to proudly display both; the achievement of the Team, and the caps we wore to celebrate the Teamwork it took to accomplish this difficult assignment.
I have my picture below (from Italy), a picture of the first F-35 produced in Italy flying with other Italian aircraft, and a YouTube video of the first flight of this aircraft. All of it is open domain, which means it is OK for public use.
I’ve been looking for a cap frame to better hold them on the wall when I found your product. Thank you.
#F-35Fighter #LockheedMartin #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #Jets #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks #DavidAbbett
We are so fortunate to get yet another customer’s testimonial with pictures proving the versatile display capabilities of Cap Capers. This pyramid shape looks fun!
Our customer, Neil Ashby out of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada said that after his display was complete, “he found one more hat that MUST go up there too.” That one cap at the bottom looks sad and out of place - we took care of Neil and sent him the extra Cap Capers he needed... updated picture forthcoming we hope! 😊
Neil also mentioned, “Cap Capers were a great addition to complete my Mancave - Thanks Harry”
#HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #Jets #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks
He went on to state that he “has amassed many hats and had them all hanging on a single hat rack.” Ben recently moved into a house with more wall space and decided to get serious about his cap collection display. He came across Cap Capers and noted that “it looked like a great way to display them without some bulky case or rack. Also, since they are individual items, I could hang them in an infinite ray of patterns and organization.”
Ben was exactly right and his pictures prove it to again show how versatile Cap Capers are to create almost any display arrangement – whether a small memorial, tribute, or entire cap collection.
An important comment by Ben was regarding installation. He said, “It really is an idiot proof product. It took longer for me to measure it out then it did to actually hang them. I would definitely recommend this product to anybody who has a lot of baseball caps! The two Green Bay Packers hats are using the adhesive pads, which I did not notice before I used the nails for the other hats. I still have some units left, so I may have to buy some more hats. Of course, I have no idea when I will be able to go to a stadium again. Have a good day!”
Gee Ben – great testimonial – thanks so much. Enjoy the new house and your fine-looking display.
#Packers #GreenBay #Football #VinceLombardi #BretFavre #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #Jets #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks

Another 'cool' item about Jaden's testimonial was when he noted, "Thank you so much for the hand written note! Means a lot!" Thanks Jaden - it means a lot to us as well. And that is why we write a personalized note to each and every one of our customers. We are so very thankful for our customers!
#Airplanes #Aviation #Pilots #Aircraft #AirplaneMemorabilia #AviationMemorabilia #AircraftMemorabilia #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks

I used to think I was pretty creative with cap display until Claude showed up. Claude’s display is quite creative – He displayed teh caps ata 45 degree angle... and is the first I have seen like this.
Claude Moore is living in Westland, MI and took his time to gather the snapback caps he wanted to display. But he made sure he followed up with pics and a nice comment about doing business with us. Awesome arrangement Claude – indeed like your internet name, IcyCold22, your baseball cap display is indeed no doubt Colder than Ice!
#BaseballMemorabilia #SnapBackCaps #CollectableCaps #HatRack #CapDisplay #CapCapers #BaseballCapCollections #CapRacks

Hi guys!
CapCapers were just what I have been looking for. I have a collection of US Open golf hats from the USGA. I used the CapCapers to hang my hats in my bar. I used the sticky stickers rather than nails or hangers, hope that they stay put. Here are a couple of photos of the end product.
Dale Robinson KESWICK, VA
THANKS DALE – We love the display - and wish we could join you and your friends for Happy Hour at Robinson's Pub. As for the adhesives - we buy the best 3M offers and have undergone cccccrazy testing (Houston Texas heat and humidity are the perfect testing grounds)